Compact with Texans

The Office of Public Utility Counsel will provide high quality legal and technical services to residential and small business utility consumers, as a class, in cases and projects before the Public Utility Commission, State Office of Administrative Hearings and state and federal courts. We are committed to service and leadership that exemplifies the highest standard of ethical behavior, professionalism, and accountability.

Customer Service Principles and Standards

Provide professional quality services.

Serve the public with respect, concern, and courtesy.

Provide helpful and accurate information that is easily accessible to customers.

Respond to public contacts within 1 business day.

Respond to written complaints within 10 business days.

Process for Addressing Public Contacts

The agency welcomes interactions from the public regarding OPUC services. In addition, customers who have inquiries or complaints about services provided by electric, telecommunications, water, or wastewater utility service may also contact the agency for help in informally resolving utility issues. Although OPUC does not have enforcement authority, we will work with the customer and the service provider to try to find solutions to consumer concerns about utility service. If a resolution cannot be achieved through informal interactions with the service providers, OPUC will assist the customer in contacting the appropriate agency with enforcement authority. 

Customers may contact the agency by phone, fax, email, or mail at the following:

Customer Relations
P.O. Box 12397
Austin, Texas 78711-2397

Phone: (512) 936-7500 or (877) 839-0363
Fax: (512) 936-7525

The agency’s policy is to strive to initially respond to public contacts within one (1) business day of receipt. If the public contact is a concern or complaint about utility service, then the agency will work to resolve the issue promptly and efficiently and provide updates to the customer regarding any potential resolutions.

Process for Addressing Public Complaints

Complaints regarding the services provided by the Office of Public Utility Counsel should be submitted in writing to:

Customer Relations
P.O. Box 12397
Austin, Texas 78711-2397

Phone: (512) 936-7500 or (877) 839-0363
Fax: (512) 936-7525

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